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Compartilhe Senior Full Stack Engineer IA/LM (LLMs, Data Scraping, React/ASP.Net or Java) no whatsapp
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Senior Full Stack Engineer IA/LM (LLMs, Data Scraping, React/ASP.Net or Java)

Senior Full Stack Engineer IA/LM (LLMs, Data Scraping, React/ASP.Net or Java)

Postada: 04-09-2024
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  • Não Divulgado
  • Empregos

  • Senior Full Stack Engineer IA/LM (LLMs, Data Scraping, React/ASP.Net or Java)

    Job Details Published on: September 4, 2024

    100% Remote

    Contract as an Independent Contractor directly with DQR TECH.

    About DQR TECH | Quality from Start to Finish

    DQR TECH is a consultancy partner for its clients, with a comprehensive ecosystem of services covering the entire software development cycle. From conception and development to maintenance and support, we provide solutions to your technology challenges through Projects, Outsourcing, and Squads.

    Where will you work? In the best place where you feel comfortable! This position is 100% remote!

    What drives us? People & Technology! That’s why we are seeking the best professionals to work on innovative solutions for the Gift Card market.

    What are we looking for?

    We are looking to build a finely-tuned OpenAI chatbot. The person we seek should know how to work with and fine-tune LLMs, as well as scrape and work with data.

    This is an innovative opportunity to work in an organization with hundreds of clients, innovating in a space that needs it.

    Essential Requirements:

    • Fluency in English

    • Experience with large language model (LLM) APIs, such as OpenAI, Claude, etc.

    • Experience in backend software development using modern frameworks, such as Express, Rails, ASP.Net, Django, or similar

    • Experience in developing responsive user interfaces using modern frontend frameworks, such as React, Angular, or Vue

    Your Challenge:

    This is a unique opportunity for a software developer.

    To work with a tech-powered accounting client based in Lisbon.

    In our day-to-day operations, we use a combination of Bubble, Zapier, Slack, and custom code to provide a startup-style service to clients accustomed to dealing with old and boring lawyers.

    Outside our daily operations, we invest in startups and angel clubs, and we aspire to create a venture builder/accelerator, initially to work alongside the company and eventually as a separate project.

    Our first project now needs an MVP. The technology involves primarily fine-tuning an OpenAI chatbot.

    The person we are looking for should know how to work with and fine-tune LLMs, as well as how to scrape data and work with it.

    This is an innovative opportunity to work in an organization with hundreds of clients, innovating in a space that needs it.

    What We Expect You to Know (Required):

    • Native-level English

    • Experience working with LLMs

    • ASP.NET ou Express, Rails, ASP.Net, Django, Java (backend).

    • React, Angular ou Vue (frontend)

    • CSS; HTML

    • JSON

    • JavaScript

    • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    • Python

    • XML

    • Git

    • MySQL

    • SQL

    • OpenAI, Claude (IA/ML)

    What Would Be Nice to Have:

    • Experience with low-code platforms, particularly Bubble

    What We Offer You:

    • An environment that values Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    • The chance to be a protagonist in an environment of opportunities, learning, growth, expansion, and challenging projects

    • Participation in a startup environment with an incredible culture

    • Working with cutting-edge technology (we use the same technologies and tools as the most innovative startups in Silicon Valley)

    • Work from Anywhere

    Contract as an Independent Contractor.


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