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Senior Java Developer

Senior Java Developer

Postada: 16-09-2024
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  • Não Divulgado
  • Empregos

  • General Description
    We are looking for Java Developers to join our Product Team to implement
    new functionality and improve the current learning platform for the future.
    You will work with the Product / Technology Team to develop and maintain
    cutting-edge applications for our online learning platform. As a Senior Java
    Developer, you will analyze, design, develop, and integrate products according
    to stakeholder needs.
    Duties and Responsibilities
    - Research, design, code, document and test new programs.
    - Develop implementation of complex, multi-tier distributed software
    - Interpret the business requirements, usability feedback results, and
    functional specifications to make technical recommendations;
    - Analyze software requirements to determine the feasibility of design
    within time and cost constraints;
    - Work with the Architect, Project Manager, and Product Technical Lead
    within the organization to implement agreed-upon designs;
    - Collaborate with internal partners on technical issues;
    - Analyze and provide recommendations;
    - Work with senior leaders to establish strategies, projects, plans, and
    project budgets.
    - Anticipating risks of any task. Propose solutions and mitigation plans
    except in cases of great complexity.
    - Keep current on the issues inherent in their work and transmit their
    knowledge proactively.

    - To have advanced knowledge of all the tools and concepts related to
    the project.
    - To be responsible for product definition, and offer added-value ideas.
    - To assist in the enforcement of development deadlines and schedules
    under Agile Methodologies.
    - To develop ensuring strong functionality and optimization; follow
    coding standard protocols.
    - To create and implement automated unit test scripts.
    - 6+ years of professional experience developing and maintaining
    complex Java/J2EE web applications in a dynamic and fast-paced
    environment. (JDK 9 is required)
    - 3+ years developing using Spring frameworks (Spring 5, SpringBoot)
    and Hibernate.
    - Experience in distributed multi-tier systems and client-server
    architectures is required.
    - Experience with Hibernate; Creating entities; Using annotations for
    mapping; defining a one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many
    - RDBMS experience with databases like Postgres, MySQL, etc.
    - Experience with developing RESTful microservices.
    - JSON experience while using JSON as your encoding protocol; Turning
    JSON data into Java Objects; Experience using the Jackson JSON library
    ( or other JSON library; and
    converting data between various encoding protocols, JSON -> XML
    - Experience with Maven to create multi-module projects; Working with a
    corporate artifact repository; customizing pom files, adding plugins,
    moving dependencies and plugins between pom files; and experience
    maintaining local settings.xml file.
    - Knowledge of Jenkins to create jobs; Parameterized jobs; and triggering
    one build job from another.
    - Unit Testing Experience with JUnit,
    - JMS knowledge related to point-to-point (queue) v. pub-sub (topic) in
    - Fluency in English Language

    Additional Attributes
    - Problem-solving skills.
    - Independent, ability to work on your own without a lot of help or
    - Good work ethic.
    - Strong sense of responsibility.
    - Willing to learn.
    Good to have
    - Experience with SpringBoot and Liquibase.
    - Experience in working with Javascript frameworks (Backbone and
    Angular/React) for front-end applications.
    - Experience with AWS services.
    - Experience with GraphQL.


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    Não pague nada, a menos que tenha absoluta certeza da idoneidade do recrutador, desconfie sempre. Não compre nada prometa participação em seleção ou contratação para uma vaga. Jamais informe dados bancários, de cartão ou envie cópia de documentos e fotos/selfies por e-mail, WhatsApp, aplicativos de celular. O Havagas não se responsabiliza por qualquer tipo de pagamento efetuado.

    Dicas de segurança

    Quando candidatar e/ou pesquisar vagas, observe estes sinais de fraude em potencial e considere denunciar, quando:
    • exigirem pagamento, credenciais da sua conta ou outros dados pessoais confidenciais como parte do processo de recrutamento.

    • dizem pagar muito por pouco trabalho, geralmente são falsas.
    • oferecem emprego depois de só uma entrevista remota.

    • Certifique-se de pesquisar o empregador e o anunciante.

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